2022年获得香港城市大学商学院,信息系讯系(Information System),联合培养博士学位。
1. 论文
[1]. Li, Y., Zou, H.M., Kwon, J., and Fang, Y. (2025). Persuading Chronically Ill Patients of Medical Service Subscriptions in Physician-Driven Online Health Communities, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Forthcoming.
[2]. Guo, X., Li, Y*. (2024).Intelligent Health in the IS Area: A Literature Review and Research Agenda,Fundamental Research, 4(4), 961-971.
[3]. Li, Y., Zhang, X., Wang, L., Guo, X. (2022). Underlying Emotional Mechanisms of Routine m-Health Use in Chronically Ill Patients, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 69(6), 2658-2669.
[4]. Song, J., Li, Y, Guo, X., Shen, N., Ju, X. (2022). Making Mobile Health Information Advice Persuasive: An Elaboration Likelihood Model Perspective, Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 34(4), 1-22.
[5]. Li, Y., Guo, X., Hsu, C., Liu, X., Vogel, D. (2019). Exploring the Impact of the Prescription Automatic Screening System in Health Care Services: Quasi-Experiment, JMIR Medical Informatics, 7(2), e11663.
[6]. Li, Y., Fang, Y., Liu, X., Guo, X. (2024). A Theoretical Exploration of How Physician-Generated Content Influences Patients’ Subscription Behavior for Online Medical Services, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems(PACIS), Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam.
[7]. Dai, W., Li, Y. (2024). From play to workout: How VR fitness game design enhances user engagement?, ICEB 2024, Zhuhai, China.
[8]. Wei, Y., Liu, X., Li, Y., Hu, M. (2023). Beyond the Surface: The Impact of Internet Health Insurance Coverage on the Use of Online Medical Services. The 11th Annual Meeting of China Association for Information Systems (CNAIS 2023). Hangzhou, China.
[9]. Wei, Y., Liu, X., Guo, H., Li, Y., Hu, M. (2023). The Hidden Cost of Internet Healthcare Coverage: The Erosion of Patient Data Quality, The 24th International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC 2023), Xi’an, China.
[10]. Yang, Z., Li, Y*. (2022). A case study of influencing factors of physician use behavior in intelligent diagnosis and treatment system. The 10th Annual Meeting of China Association for Information Systems (CNAIS 2022). Shanghai, China.
[11]. Yang, X., & Li, Y*. (2022). Dermoscopic Image Segmentation and Classification Method in Skin Cancer Analysis. The 10th Annual Meeting of China Association for Information Systems (CNAIS 2022). Shanghai, China.
[12]. Yang, X., & Li, Y*. (2022). Analysis of patients' emotional tendency in online medical reviews before and after the epidemic based on improved LDA. The 10th Annual Meeting of China Association for Information Systems (CNAIS 2022). Shanghai, China.
[13]. Li, Y., Fang, Y., Juhee, K., Doug, V. (2020). The Economic Impacts of Physicians’ Cognitive and Emotional Appeals in an E-Health Q&A Platform-A Machine Learning Approach and Empirical Analysis, The 19th Pre-ICIS Workshop on e-Business (WeB2020), online.
[14]. Li, Y., Fang, Y., Guo, X. (2019). Physician’s Knowledge Contribution and Economic Return in an E-health Q&A Platform: A Natural Language Processing Approach and Empirical Analysis, The 13th China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM2019), Shenzhen, China.
[1]. 主持,国家自然科学基金委员会青年科学基金项目“面向技术同化的人工智能在医疗决策中的影响机制研究”2023/1/1-2025/12/21
[2]. 主持,第71批博士后科学基金面上项目“后疫情时代下基于健康大数据分析的居民健康行为改变机制研究”2023/6/1-2024/6/30
[3]. 参与,国家自然科学基金面上项目“双向赋能医患互动的生成式AI服务:影响机制及效果评估” 2025-2029.
[4]. 参与,国家自然科学基金面上项目“在线医疗社区的经济和社会价值分析:机器学习与计量经济学的结合运用” 2021-2024.
[5]. 参与,国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于人工智能的慢性病管理服务及影响研究”,2021-2024.
[6]. 参与,国家自然科学基金面上项目“ 基于移动服务的慢性病管理模式创新研究”,2019-2022.