汤健,哲学博士(方向为Information Science and Technology, 信息科学与技术),副教授,博士生导师,伟德betvlctor体育官网“青年英才“支持计划入选者。研究方向为信息行为、人机交互、信息管理、Human-AI协作。现为中国科技情报学会信息行为专委会委员。近年来主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、教育部人文社科规划项目、北京市社科基金项目,参与多项国家级省部级纵向项目,主持或参与多项教学方法研究项目。先后在国内外核心期刊发发表期刊论文20余篇,会议论文30余篇。指导员工参加多项科研项目、学科竞赛、社会实践等,所指导的本科生获得市级优秀毕业生、校级优秀毕业生等荣誉。
(1) 2009.08–2014.12 博士 雪城大学(Syracuse University) School of Information Studies
(2) 2005.09–2009.07 学士 中国人民大学 信息资源管理学院
(1) 2019.12–至今 伟德betvlctor体育官网 伟德betvlctor体育官网 信息管理系(原信息管理与电子商务系)副教授
(2) 2015.08–2019.11 伟德betvlctor体育官网 伟德betvlctor体育官网 信息管理与电子商务系 讲师
(3) 2009-2014 雪城大学 School of Information Studies 科研助理/助教
(1) 本科课程:
《撰写博士论文过程-研究方法》(博士, 团队授课)
J1. X. Zhou,汤健*, T. Wang (Accepted). Effect of the Fit between Situational Regulatory Focus and Feedback Focus on Customers’ Co-Design Behavior,Internet Research, DOI: 10.1108/INTR-11-2022-0861.(SSCI/SCI, JCRQ1)
J2. X. Wang, 汤健*, Q. Li, W. Guo, N. Zhang(Accepted). Will you buy my books? Investigating influential factors for the sales of user‑generated e‑books on a social commerce platform,Information Technology and Management, DOI: 10.1007/s10799-023-00415-w. (SSCI)
J3. Q. Liu, Y. Lv,汤健*, W. Fan (Accepted). Optimizing the Service Efficacy of Crowd Ratings in Curbing Fake News Dissemination on Social Media,International Journal of CrowdScience (已接收,待刊出, EI)
J4. 汤健*, & N. R. Prestopnik (2023). Science gamers, citizen scientists, and dabblers: Characterizing player engagement in two citizen science games,International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction,39(8), 1690-1711.(SSCI/SCI, JCRQ1)
J5. J.Li, X. Qin,汤健, L. Yang* (2022). Foreign trade and innovation sustainability: Evidence from China,Journal of Asian Economics, 81, 101497. (SSCI, JCRQ2)
J6. 汤健, X.Zhou, YC. Zhao*, T. Wang* (2021).How the type and valence of feedback information influence volunteers’ knowledge contribution in citizen science projects,Information Processing & Management,2021, 58(5), 102633. (SCIE, JCRQ1).
J7. 汤健, YC.Zhao, T. Wang*, Z. Zeng (2021). Examining the effects of feedback-giving as a gamification mechanic in crowd rating systems,International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2021,37(20), 1916-1930.(SSCI/SCI/SCIE, JCRQ2)
J8. 汤健, 周鑫雪*, 余美华(2021). 反馈信息类型与效价对公众科学志愿者参与表现激励效应的实验研究.图书情报工作, 65(9), 51-61.(CSSCI)
J9. 齐托托,赵宇翔,汤健,王天梅* (2022).在线评论对知识付费产品购买决策的影响研究——卖家回复的调节作用, 南开管理评论, 2022(2):147-156.(CSSCI)
J10. 周鑫雪,王天梅*, 汤健(2022).任务导向还是社交?在线定制信息互内容特征对顾客参与表现的影响.管理评论, 34(2): 76-88. (CSSCI)
J11. YC. Zhao*, Y. Zhang,汤健, S.Song (2020) Affordances for information practices: Theorizing engagement among people, technology, and sociocultural environments, Journal of Documentation, 2021,77(1): 229-250.(SSCI, JCR Q1)
J12. 汤健*,P. Zhang (2020).The impact of atmospheric cues on consumers’ approach and avoidance behavioral intentions in social commerce websites.Computers in Human Behavior,108, 105729.(SSCI, JCR Q1)
J13. X. Zhou,汤健*, YC. Zhao, T. Wang (2020). Effects of feedback design and dispositional goal orientations on volunteer performance in citizen science projects.Computers in Human Behavior, 107, 106266. (SSCI, JCR Q1)
J14. 汤健*,N. R. Prestopnik (2019).Exploring the impact of game framing and task framing on user participation in citizen science projects,Aslib Journal of Information Management, 2: 260-280. (SSCI/SCI, JCR Q2)
J15. Q. Liu, Z. Shao*, 汤健, W. Fan(2019) Examining the influential factors for continued social media use A comparison of social networking and microblogging,Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2019, 119(5):1104-1127.(SCI, JCR Q1)
J16. 汤健*, P. Zhang (2019). Exploring the relationships between gamification and motivational needs in technology design.International Journal of Crowd Science, 3(1): 87-103.(期刊年度论文三等奖). (EI)
J17. 周鑫雪, 汤健, 王天梅* (2018).任务特征与游戏化设计对公众科学参与意愿影响的实验研究,图书情报工作, 62(23):97-105.(CSSCI)
B1. YC. Zhao*,汤健, X. Ye, J. Lian (in press) Crowdsourcing in UX research Human Computer Interaction. In S. Constantine Stephanidis and G. Salvendy eds.:Human-Computer Interaction: Foundationsand Advances. CRC Press.
C1. 汤健,EE. Jeong, P. Zhang (2024)Goal Structuration for Gamification Design in Learning (GSGDL): A Theory-driven Framework.Proceedings of Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems(PACIS). Vietnam.
C2. Y. Wang, Y. Jiang,汤健*, & X. Zhou (2024).Task Delegation from AI to Humans: The Impact of AI Information Transparency on Human Performance.WHICEB 2024. (EI, Second Nominated Paper).
C3. J. Zeng, D. Fan*, X. Zhou, &汤健(2024).Chatbot with Resilience: The Impact of Repair Strategies on Customer Satisfaction in Conversational Breakdowns.WHICEB 2024. (EI).
C4. Y. Li,汤健, X. Li*, X. Zhou (2024). The Influence of Algorithmic Control on Gig Drivers’ Coping Behavior in Ride-hailing Platforms.WHICEB 2024. (EI).
C5. 汤健, Y. Wang,X. Zhou*, Y. Guo, & C. Li* (2024). Can chatbot anthropomorphism and empathy mitigate the impact of customer anger on satisfaction? iConference 2024. (EI).
C6. 汤健, P. Zhang, EE. Jeong (2023). Contextualizing Gamification Design: Using Extended Achievement Goal Theory to Understand College Learner Differences.Proceedings of 56rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS): Maui, Hawaii (EI).
C7. J. Zeng,汤健 (2022). Interaction Matters? The impact of Volunteer-Scientist Interaction on Scientific Output of Citizen Science Projects.Proceedings of Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems(PACIS).
C8. M. Qi,汤健, X. Zhou (2022).Understanding the Impact of Message Framing on Health Knowledge Adoption: The Role of Psychological Distance.Proceedings of Wuhan International Conference on E-Business: Wuhan, China.
C9. P. Zhang,汤健, EE. Jeong (2022). Academic and social achievement goal structures in college education.Proceedings of INTED 2022.
C10. X. Zhou,汤健 T. Wang (2021). How feedback focus and regulatory focus influence customers’ co-design behavior in online customization communities.Proceedings of Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems(PACIS).
C11. L. Zhang,汤健, X. Zhou, T. Qi (2021). Examining the Effect of Interaction Content and Interaction Style on Volunteers’ Research Competence in Citizen Science Projects.Proceedings of Proceedings of Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems(PACIS).
C12. P.Zhang,汤健, EE. Jeong (2021). A Meta-Review of Gamification Research.Proceedings of 2021 iConference, 2021, Beijing, China. (EI)
C13. J. Guo, Y. Ma,汤健 (2021). Investigating Influencing Factors for Public Service Capacities of Digital Government.Proceedings of International Conference on Crowd Science and Engineering (ICCSE): Jinan, China. (EI)
C14. 汤健, P. Zhang, Y. Jia (2020). Using gamification to support users’ adoption of contextual achievement goals.Proceedings of 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS): Maui, Hawaii, 1216-1225. (EI)
C15. 马燕林,齐托托*,汤健,包孟轩&王天梅 (2020).众包任务特征对接包方参与质量影响作用的实验研究,中国软科学研究会2019年中国软科学文集:305-313.
C16. 汤健, X. Zhou, M. Yu, M (2019). Designing feedback information to encourage users’ participation performances in citizen science projects. Proceedings of 82nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T), 56(1):486-490, Melbourne, Australia(EI).
C17. J. Guo,汤健,X. Zhou (2019). How “task-individual fit” influences user contribution behaviors in citizen science.Proceedings of International Conference on Crowd Science and Engineering (ICCSE): Jinan, China. (EI)
C18. X. Zhou,汤健, T. Wang, T. Qi (2019). Examining the effects of feedback type and goal orientation on user participation performance in citizen science projects.Proceedings of Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS):Xi’an, China (EI)
C19. M. Bao,汤健, Y. Ma (2019). Investigating the Influence of Task Complexity and Outcome Variety on User Performance in Crowdsourcing Projects.Proceedings of Wuhan International Conference on E-Business: Wuhan, China. (CPCI)
C20. J. Liang, J. Guo, Z. Liu,汤健 (2019). “Ask Everyone?” Understanding how social Q&A feedback quality influences consumers' purchase intentions.Proceedings of Wuhan International Conference on E-Business: Wuhan, China. (CPCI)
P1. 2020–2022,国家自然科学基金青年项目,“公众科学项目用户参与行为及价值共创效果研究” (71904215)主持,结项.
P2. 2018–2022,教育部人文社科青年项目,“基于游戏化设计的公众科学用户贡献行为及学习成效研究”(18YJCZH160)主持,结项.
P3. 2019–至今,北京市社会科学基金项目一般项目,“基于网络消费驱动的北京市经济增长动能转换研究”(19JDGLB029)主持,在研.
P4. 2023–2024,教学方法改革:基于成就目标的“5E”教学模式探索——以《人机交互设计》课程为例,公司教务处教师教学发展中心,主持,在研.
P5. 2018–2021主持,新课程建设:基于R的数据可视化与交互,公司教务处, 主持,结项.
P6. 2019–2020主持,教学方法改革:游戏化教学创新探索——以《信息系统分析与设计》课程为例,公司教师教学发展中心, 主持,结项.