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王 熙

发布时间 :2021年02月22日浏览量 :更新时间 :2025年02月24日





2012.9-2017.5美国爱荷华大学 信息学(交叉学科) 博士

2010.9-2013.3北京邮电大学 信号与信息处理 工学硕士

2006.9-2010.6哈尔滨工程大学 电子信息工程&工商管理 工学&管理学 学士


2024.12–至今 伟德betvlctor体育官网 教授 (破格)

2020.11–2024.12伟德betvlctor体育官网 副教授

2017.7–2020.11伟德betvlctor体育官网 讲师






1) Wang X, Zuo Z*, Tong X, Zhu Y.(2024). Talk more about yourself: a data-driven extended theory of reasoned action for online health communities[J]. Information Technology and Management,2024,25(3), pp. 233–246.(JCR Q2)

2) Li, H., Peng, J. &Wang, X*. (2024).An efficient two-stage optimization algorithm for a flexible job shop scheduling problem with worker shift arrangement. Computers & Operations Research, 2024, 171, 106785.(JCR Q1,AJG 3)

3) 李惠*,王熙,左治亚. (2024).多目标下航天产品生产车间柔性资源配置与调度集成优化[J].中国管理科学. 2024, 32(10):146–55.(CSSCI检索,北大核心)

4) Li Q, Zuo Z, Zhang Y,Wang X*. (2023).Exploring sentiment divergence on migrant workers through the lens of Sina Weibo[J]. Internet Research, 2023, 33, 1331–1371. (JCR Q1,AJG 3)

5) Wang, X., Tang, J.*, Li, Q., Guo, W., Zhang, N. (2023).Will you buy my books? Investigating influential factors for the sales of user-generated e-books on a social commerce platform. Information Technology and Management. 2023,(ahead-of-print). (JCR Q2)

6) Li H*,Wang X, Peng J. (2022). A hybrid differential evolution algorithm for flexible job shop scheduling with outsourcing operations and job priority constraints[J]. Expert Systems with Applications, 2022, 201: 117182.(JCR Q1)

7) Wang X, Zhang Y*, Wang S, Zhao K. (2021). Migrant Inflows and Online Expressions of Regional Prejudice in China[J]. Public Opinion Quarterly, 2021, 85(1): 123–146. (JCR Q1,AJG 3)

8) Wang X*, Chai Y, Li H, Wu D. (2021). Link prediction in heterogeneous information networks: An improved deep graph convolution approach[J]. Decision Support Systems, 2021, 141: 113448. (JCR Q1,AJG 3)

9) Wang X*, Chai Y, Li H, Wang W, Sun W. (2021). Graph Convolutional Network-based Model for Incident-related Congestion Prediction: A Case Study of Shanghai Expressways[J]. ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, 2021, 12(3): 21:1-21:22. (FMS B类)

10) Wang X, High A,Wang X, Zhao K*. (2021).Predicting users’ continued engagement in online health communities from the quantity and quality of received support[J]. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 2021, 72(6): 710–722. (JCR Q2,AJG 3)

11) Zhang Y*,Wang X. Cambridge University Press, (2021). Provincial deficits and political centralization: evidence from the personnel management of the Chinese Communist Party[J]. Japanese Journal of Political Science, 2021, 22(3): 130–143. (JCR Q3)

12) Li H*, Peng J,Wang X, Wan J. (2021).Integrated Resource Assignment and Scheduling Optimization with Limited Critical Equipment Constraints at an Automated Container Terminal[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2021, 22(12): 7607–7618. (JCR Q1)

13) 王舞宇,章宁*,范丹,王熙. (2021). 基于动态交易和风险约束的智能投资组合优化[J].伟德betvlctor体育官网学报, 2021(9): 16. (CSSCI,北大核心)

14) 王熙*,佟星,郑博雯,朱渝珊,谭天一,曾钰琪,李惠. (2020). 在线健康社区中用户社会支持交换行为的跨文化比较研究[J].管理科学, 2020, 33(01): 16–29. (CSSCI,北大核心)

15) Wang X, Zhao K*, Cha S, Amato M S, Cohn A M, Pearson J L, Papandonatos G D, Graham A L. (2019). Mining user-generated content in an online smoking cessation community to identify smoking status: A machine learning approach[J]. Decision Support Systems, 2019, 116: 26–34. (JCR Q1,AJG 3)

16) Wang X*, Wang W, Chai Y, Wang Y, Zhang N. (2019). E-book adoption behaviors through an online sharing platform: A multi-relational network perspective[J]. Information Technology & People, 2019, 33(3): 1011–1035. (JCR Q1,AJG 3)

17) Wang X, Zhao K*, Street N. (2017).Analyzing and Predicting User Participations in Online Health Communities: A Social Support Perspective[J]. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2017, 19(4): e130. (JCR Q1)

18) Zhao K*,Wang X, Cha S, Cohn A M, Papandonatos G D, Amato M S, Pearson J L, Graham A L. (2016).A Multirelational Social Network Analysis of an Online Health Community for Smoking Cessation[J]. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2016, 18(8): e233. (JCR Q1)

19) Zhao K*,Wang X, Yu M, Gao B. (2014).User Recommendations in Reciprocal and Bipartite Social Networks–An Online Dating Case Study[J]. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2014, 29(2): 27–35. (JCR Q1)

2.会议论文 (in published proceedings)

1) Qin X(信管18,管信22硕), Deng Y, Zuo Z, Wang X. Applying Reinforcement Learning to Epidemic Management: Strategic Influenza Control in Multiple Scenarios[C]//2024IEEE ICHI.2024: 141–146.

2) Zhang Y (信管21),Wang X, Zuo Z, Fan D. User Behavior Analysis in Online Health Community Based on Inverse Reinforcement Learning[C]// WHICEB 2024, 517 LNBIP: 250–259.(最佳论文First Nominated Paper)

3) Wang C (信管21), Wang H (信管21), Pan J, Li J,Wang X., 2024. Decoding Policy Directives: An Empirical Study on the Influence of Central Policy Signals on Local Environmental Regulation Behavior[C]// WHICEB 2024, 517 LNBIP: 214–225.

4) Liang T (电商20,管信24硕), Zhong Z (信管20), Zuo Z, Li H,Wang X. A Preliminary Investigation of the Effects of Open Review on Citation Impact[J]. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 2023, 60(1): 641–645.

5) Zhan Y, (信管20),Wang X. The Spatial-Temporal Trajectories of the Poets and the Sociocultural Environment of the Age[J]. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 2023, 60(1): 1209–1211.

6) Zhu X (信安18,计算机22硕), Li Y (信管17), Zuo Z,Wang X. Identifying Dynamic User Roles in Online Health Communities[C]//2023 IEEE ICHI. , 2023: 519–521.

7) Meng J (大数据20), Zuo Z, Li H,Wang X. Health Literacy Drift in Online Health Communities[C] //2023 IEEE ICHI. 2023: 516–518.

8) Pan Y(大数据20),Wang X, Li H. Springer Nature, 2023. The Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows Based on a Multi-conditional Clustering and Tabu Search Approach[C]// LISS 2023.270–282.

9) Zhou J,Zuo Z,Wang X, Zhang X. Investigating the Multihoming of Initial Exchange Offerings[C]. PACIS 2022 Proceedings, 2022.

10) Xu Y (信管18), Huang T, Zuo Z,Wang X. Social Media Sentiment and COVID-19 Transmission: Results from a Time-varying SIR Model[C]. PACIS 2021 Proceedings, 2021.

11) Wang Y (信管18), Zuo Z,Wang X. Digital Humanities in the Job Market[C]. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 2021, 58(1): 857–859.

12) Li X (信管18), Xu Y (信管18), Li H,Wang X. Dual-channel Service Operations with the BOPS Option Considering Infection Risk Aversion Behavior[C]. WHICEB 2021 Proceedings, 2021.

13) Wang X, Tong X, Zhu Y (信安16), Tan T (信管17), Zheng B. An investigation of Social Support Exchange and Communication Patterns among Chinese on Online Discussion Forum[C]. HICSS 2020 Proceedings, 2021.

14) Li Q (信管17), Cui M (信管16), Zuo Z,Wang X. Sentiment Diffusion of Social Inequality in Microblogs: A Case Study of “Migrant Worker” in Sina Weibo[C]. WHICEB 2020 Proceedings, 2020.

15) Chen W,Wang X, Li X (信管18), Wang Y (信管18). Exploring Privacy-traces of Users from Online Community: A Case Study of Diabetes Topic Discussions[C]. WHICEB 2020 Proceedings, 2020.

16) Tan T (信管17), Huang T,Wang X, Zuo Z. A preliminary investigation of COVID-19 transmission in the United States by incorporating social media sentiments[C]. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 2020, 57(1): e370.

17) Zhu Y (信安16), Tong X, Fan D,Wang X. Identifying Privacy Leakage from User-Generated Content in an Online Health Community[C]. Smart Health 2019 Proceedings, 2019.

18) Wang X, Zhu Y (信安16). Cross-Cultural Comparison of User Engagement in Online Health Communities[C]. Smart Health 2018 Proceedings, 2018.

19) Chang Y C, Chou C S, Zhang Y,Wang X, Hsu W L. Sentiment Analysis of Chinese Microblog Message Using Neural Network-based Vector Representation for Measuring Regional Prejudice[C]. PACIS 2016 Proceedings.

20) Wang X, Zhao K. Social Support and User Engagement in Online Health Communities[C]. PACIS 2014 Proceedings, 2014.


2024.11-2027.12北京市社会科学基金青年项目 主持人

2023.1-2026.12国家自然科学基金面上项目 参与人

2022.1-2024.12国家自然科学基金青年项目 主持人


2019.3-2022.12教育部人文社会科学西部青年项目 参与人

2018.1-2019.12北京市自然科学基金青年项目 主持人

2017.11-2019.11伟德betvlctor体育官网青年教师发展基金 主持人









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